Friday, 25 August 2017

L'Oréal Paris True Match The One Concealer & Mineral Finishing Powder

Every time I'm low on money, L'Oréal end up coming out with new products which I obviously NEED to buy.L'Oréal have been on there makeup game recently and I nearly had everything to complete a whole makeup look, but two important products were missing for me.I'm so excited to talk about these, but the real question is, are these products "worth it?"

I've always struggled to find a concealer for me by L'Oréal that isn't too light, too dark or that hasn't got a pink undertone.I was doing pretty well with just using there True Match Foundation for this, as it pretty much covered most of my dark circles, but its nice to have that brightening look under the eyes sometimes if you get what I mean?There are 14shades available to choose from and because they haven't rolled out at my local drugstores yet, I just had to completely guess my shade.At the time of purchase, there were no guidelines to show which shades suited what skin tones, so it was really hard to work out what the shades looked like.I assumed that you go for the corresponding shade to either your True Match or Mineral Foundation, but nothing was explained at the time, however L'Oréal have now provided images for this to help you.

I decided to take advantage of the 3 for 2 offer at Boots, picking the shades Beige (4.N) and Golden Beige (3.D/W).The beige shade has more of a pink undertone to it, whereas the golden beige has more of a yellow and golden undertones.These concealers are designed to:
  • Correct and even out skin tone
  • Conceal imperfections 
  • Hide signs of fatigue
  • Instantly brighten the under eye area
They are also enriched with caffeine for the above and to fight dark circles (perfect for my anxiety!).The coverage is described as lightweight medium to high, allowing you to build it up for a custom finish.
The applicator reminds me a lot of the Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer, being extremely soft and flexible.The scent also reminds me of that concealer as well, with the beige shade being slightly more scented, but the smell fades after blending it out.The formulas have a little bit of difference, with the beige shade being more watery, but since this concealer is lightweight and buildable, it doesn't leave it looking cakey.Below is three images showing it just being applied, the second it being dry on the skin and the last one is a comparison with my other products I use as concealers:
Its extremely lightweight and I was fairly lucky to guess the correct shade.I personally prefer to blend it in with a Beauty Blender, as I found the coverage is a lot better.I tend to rub my eyes quite a lot because of my anxiety, and although it didn't budge for a while, it did begin to fade because of this.I did go in with a setting powder which made it stay in place, despite me rubbing my eyes a few times.

The concealer lasted approximately 7hours with no setting powder and 11hours with setting powder.You can apply another layer if you want to, because it doesn't leave it cakey at all.For me it works the best for brightening the eye area, as I sometimes only get 4-6hours sleep, so I end up waking up with panda eyes.I prefer this more to my expensive concealer, as it lasts longer, its lightweight, extremely easy to blend and its only £7.99.I recommend going to your local Boots or Superdrug to find out your shade, as you have 14 to choose from.

I've introduced setting powders to my makeup routine a lot recently so when I saw that L'Oréal have FINALLY made there own, I just had to put it to the test.I don't have many pictures to show of the actual product itself as its pretty much a powder, but I can still show you how it left my makeup looking.This translucent setting powder is designed to:
  • Leave your makeup with a matte finish
  • Controls your skin to stop any shine
  • Enhances and sets makeup without it feeling heavy
  • Prevents the skin from getting oily
  • Skin appears more healthy in 4weeks
My skin type is Normal/Combination, with it getting a bit oily during the summer time.This probably explains another reason why I've had to use setting powders a lot more recently, so my makeup doesn't slide everywhere.All of the other powders that I currently own are yellow, because translucent powders normally left my skin/makeup looking ashy.

The pot containing the powder reminded me of there skincare moisturisers, but this was such a pain to open!It also gets a little bit messy as well, because you literally have to DIP in your brush to get the product out.I prefer to tip some of the powder onto the lid, tap my brush into the powder and apply it like that, as it saves it from getting messy.You don't need to bake with this powder, you literally apply it onto the skin and sweep across it to get that "instant" matte finish.It says to apply it to your T-Zone and forehead, but I decided to apply it all over because I love matte finish looks.
Apart from the highlighter that I have on my nose and my ringlight blaring into my face, it actually left my makeup completely matte with no shine to it.I also used it alongside the golden beige concealer mentioned in this blog post for the under eye area and just look at how smooth it is!My makeup did not budge for the whole day and it didn't leave my makeup looking ashy either.

The only two negatives I can say about this powder is 1. Its a pain to get the powder out without it getting extremely messy and 2. I'm not too keen on the £12.99 price tag.You only get a small amount of product in the pot and £12.99 just seems a little bit too much for me.Don't get me wrong, it works great and we all know how much I love L'Oréal products, but I feel this is a little bit pricey and I'm not sure if I'll repurchase once I've ran out.

I hope this review has helped and if you have any questions, please let me know in the comment section :)

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